Industry SEO SEO

Did you know that 91% of website content gets ZERO SEARCH ENGINE TRAFFIC? If your Managed Service Provider (MSP) website isn’t delivering leads, these three common problems may be stalling your growth.

Like most businesses, you depend on your website to deliver leads. This is especially true in the tech, IT, and MSP sectors, where getting the message out about your unique service offerings is critical for success. 

If you’re having trouble gaining search engine visibility and generating sales-qualified leads, it may be that one or more of these extremely common website problems are doing serious damage to your organic reach. 

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Problem #1: You May Be a Victim of Duplicate Content

You already know that you need informative and engaging content on your website. But do you really know how unique it is? Unfortunately, our research has discovered that TENS OF THOUSANDS of  MSP companies unwittingly use duplicate content on their sites. In other words, you’re probably being sold the exact same content that is also appearing on your competitors’ sites — and Google is likely hitting you with a duplicate content penalty for it. 

How has this happened, exactly? Unfortunately, many marketing and SEO agencies engage in a shady practice called content syndication, whereby instead of creating original content tailored to your specific audience, they simply purchase niche-related content in bulk and repost it to your site with very little or no modification at all, usually as part of a discounted “content package”. 

Why? Because not having to create personalized content for their clients dramatically lowers their costs. And even if the content they provide is mostly unique, they may be under pressure to augment it with word-for-word content readily available elsewhere. And you’d probably never know the difference. 

The Solution: Exclusive Keyword-Focused Website Content Tailored to Your Unique MSP Business

To ensure that you avoid the dreaded duplicate content penalty, you need to make sure that you use high-quality content that is not only original, but created with the purpose of communicating your unique messaging while engaging your audience. 

That’s why it’s essential that you work with an agency with the MSP industry experience to conduct in-depth, buyer-focused keyword research that will serve as the foundation of your exclusive, SEO-optimized and sales-focused content that gets noticed by your potential clients

Problem #2: On-Page & Technical Issues are Tanking Your Rankings

You may be suffering from poor on-page and technical SEO issues that ultimately force Google to assign a lower overall value to your website. Unfortunately, you can have the world’s best content, but if it’s not optimized properly, it will never see the light of day.

The Solution: Continuous Monitoring and Optimization of Your Website’s Technical Performance

As a website owner, you need to remain constantly vigilant about technical SEO issues that can easily creep up. Issues like keyword cannibalization, unwanted pages being indexed, site hosting issues, no Google My Business optimization, and more, can damage your ranking performance. 

Leveraging our extensive experience providing SEO and content marketing solutions for MSPs and other technology companies, Miromind’s team has developed a proprietary monitoring platform that will audit your site for technical SEO problems and provide constant ongoing analysis that will quickly highlight any issues before they become a problem. At the end of the day, identifying and fixing a problem quickly is the best way to help you stay on top of the game.

Problem #3: You Don’t Have a Solid Content Strategy

Another common problem affecting MSP company website performance is that the content they produce is not driven by a strategy. We frequently see cases where company executives or team leads will write blog posts and articles discussing relevant topics — which, in itself, is not inherently bad! But the problem is that without a content strategy in place, adding off-the-cuff content can actually hurt your rankings. 

Why? Because you need to be strategic about your content. Of course, you want to write about topics that will be of interest to your audience. But every piece of content has to help further your goals, laser-focused on helping you deliver clients. Otherwise, you’ll end up getting in your own way — and left with content that both fails to rank and convert into leads. 

The Solution: A Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy Designed Around Conversions

We’ll say it again: just because you post content, it doesn’t mean it will rank automatically. You have to understand what your potential clients need and how you can help them solve their problems. You can’t leave it to chance, which is where a comprehensive content strategy comes in. 

Using industry-specific MSP industry keyword research as a foundation, a content strategy crafted by an experienced SEO agency like Miromind will serve as a roadmap to generating a suite of blog posts, articles, case studies, infographics, and more that both highlight your expertise and demonstrate that you can solve potential clients’ problems. 

Here’s how we do it:

  • We use our extensive experience of the MSP and technology industry to drive our keyword research, which we’ve used to build a private MSP industry keyword database
  • We have technical backgrounds ourselves, and we understand the MSP industry landscape and the unique challenges you face
  • We’ve compiled over a decade’s worth of data about what types of content convert as well as the performance of your competitors

So unless your content is thoroughly researched, addresses pain points, is highly optimized for on-page SEO, and is designed to engage with the right audience and ultimately convert, then you’re wasting time and money. 

At Miromind, we’ve spent over a decade working with technology companies to improve their reach and boost their revenue. And time and time again, we’ve uncovered many of these same issues plaguing our clients’ websites that effectively wipe out their organizational growth. 

Industry SEO, SEO