
Miromind is an SEO expert in different niches, including SaaS. One of our clients is a SaaS platform, which offers educational and training opportunities.

CertCentral helps organizations and institutes create online training courses. They are offering all the necessary tools to simplify the process and make information available from different devices regardless of the number of students.

The SaaS platform is designed for busy professionals, looking for a simple online training tool. A low learning curve and high-quality customer support help CertCentral stand out.

The platform has been online since the end of 2017. It started working with MiroMind in February 2018.

Online training tools


When we started working with CertCentral back in February 2018, the platform was struggling to gain a sufficient number of leads. They had problems with website design, negative SEO, content quality, and low traffic.


CertCentral had a high-quality offering but lacked a smart approach to digital marketing. We’ve started with evaluating the traffic to the website and looking into the competition. Our experts found out that the client needed substantial website redesign services and a new SEO strategy. After performing a keyword search and analyzing keywords used by the competition, we’ve found numerous keywords with a high potential, which weren’t being used by the competition sufficiently.

Next, we evaluated the content created by CertCentral for SEO purposes. We’ve found that the content was insufficient for our SEO efforts. Our experts used the keywords to create top-notch content, which helped CertCentral’s potential clients find solutions and advice they were looking for. We used the content to improve the website’s conversion potential and boost the link building strategy.

After evaluating the design of the website, we found that it wasn’t suitable for the latest on-site SEO efforts. We optimized the website for our SEO strategy and created short and long-term plans for off-site SEO.


As soon as we started our campaign, the results became obvious. We doubled the organic traffic in just one month. The number of conversions increased as well. In one year, we’ve seen an impressive 700% increase in organic traffic. 

From a startup with high marketing expenses and negative SEO efforts, CertCentral turned into a thriving platform with hundreds of new clients.  

CertCentral has a high potential for new leads and conversions. We continue working with the company, tweaking the website, using the latest SEO techniques, adjusting to new search engine algorithms, searching for new keywords, creating high-quality content, and much more. The platform’s rankings are improving continuously, generating new conversions. 

What does CertCentral’s owner, Joseph say about our cooperation? You will find his opinion here.